Current Tongariro river flow: 27.9m3/sec and rising :)
This morning the heavens have opened and the start of a prolonged period of heavy rain has begun. We expect the Tongariro to increase in flow over the next day or so which is very exciting. This should signal those early running fish in the lake to start coming up the rivers. We have had recent reports of freshly running fish in some of the bigger lake tributaries including the Tauranga Taupo, with groups of multiple fish 'skittering all over the place' as they adjust to the river environment. Quietly, there have been some good numbers of fish at the stream mouths and this rain will certainly mix things up in a positive way.
In preparation for the winter season, we have a great range of chest and hip packs as well as fishing vests here at Sporting Life. These packs are extremely well designed to suit the modern angler and make accessing everything you might need on the river a breeze. One popular pack setup is the Guideline Experience Vest paired with the Guideline ULBC Day Pack as they are designed to clip together nicely.