Friday 26th August 2022

Friday 26th August 2022

The overnight rain forecast has seen some heavy showers roll through town but it hasn't amounted to anything consistent so we have only had a slight spike in flow, and I would expect it to fluctuate up and down a bit but hopefully not by much. The river has gone back up to 53.7 cumec at the time of writing and will be absolutely perfect for swinging some wooly buggers through the runs! Tim has been for a look around up above the blue pool and it appears that there hasn't been much change up there after the flood, certainly nothing compared to the lower river. It is still a bit too high to get a really good idea of what has moved down the bottom especially with regard to crossing over to the Log Pool etc. but time will tell!

Looking downstream from the Major Jones swing bridge

Upstream towards the Hydro Pool

Downstream from Red Hut swing bridge

Upstream from Red Hut swing bridge

Reports off the river yesterday were full of beautiful chrome fish, with a few coloured ones thrown into the mix. Neil had a ball nymphing on the upper river, and there has been lots of fish getting caught down Grace Rd however there has been a lot of angler pressure down there as well. The TT has risen back up again overnight with the rain and wont be crossable today however it hopefully will drop for the weekend.

The Hinemaiaia is loaded with fish however the large majority are coloured up and spawning. The redds will be absolutely loaded at the moment so if possible leave the fish on the redds alone to do their thing and spawn - there are certainly a lot of better quality fish to be caught in the other rivers at the moment!

The crew will be out and about over the weekend so we will hopefully have some more updates as to river changes etc after the weekend, along with some fish pictures! We have had a big restock of bombs and globugs, plenty of the C3 Carpet Caddis that has been so deadly these past few months and even a few of the Black Magic soft eggs on hooks that Tim whipped up so come instore and get yourself geared up and we will see you out there!
