Be aware of the forecast especially if you are planning a trip into the backcountry for opening weekend, take care and do not push your limits as the fishing is not worth putting yourself and/or mates in danger. If your chosen river is a no-go, you always have the Tongariro and further waterways of the Taupo fishery.
Connor and Tarn have been making the shift towards night fishing and finding it bearable after a few brewskis 🍻🍻🍻😉
Tarn has been experimenting with wee wet flies and intruder patterns lately and put them to the test on a recent outing. A stunning fresh jack proved the flies are effective, and hopefully he will shed some light on his patterns if you're willing to ask him in store.
As for the day, there's definitely some fresh fish still on the move throughout the region. We received reports of good fish going up the Tongariro, Tauranga-Taupo and the Hinemaiaia yesterday, in the 4-5lb mark using nymphs and streamer variants.
It's time to think ahead and prepare for the warmer months. We have Sporting Caddis flies which are about to be put out on display and are a top choice for the evening/night caddis hatch.