Monday 12th of June 2023

Monday 12th of June 2023

Tongariro River Flow: 31.0m3/sec

Weather: Sunny!

The fingertips are still thawing out as I type up this morning's report, Jack Frost came to visit leaving behind a thick icy layer on everything in his path, but never mind the cold, it's a brilliant sunny day and an opportunity to those who are keen to harvest a few from the lake or Delta. One customer had a successful time at the Delta and purchased a Kilwell Smoker to deal with his harvest. We have a few smokers left which are available in store and online: Search: 13 results found for "kilwell smoker" – Sportinglife Turangi (

The Tongariro is the lowest and clearest it has been in months which is stunning to see and if you're fishing today, we recommend using small natural nymphs (pheasant tail, hare and copper, caddis etc) or plain streamers if wetlining (olive, brown or black). 

Sam has blooded his new single hand spey set up, the Sage R8 Core 890-4 paired with the Trout Spey reel. All smiles for the happy man on a recent day swinging the Tongariro.

Our Friend Joe has completed his holiday here in Turangi and sent through some photos to share with you all, he always brings his smile and optimism on each trip! We look forward to seeing him on the next trip over. 

Slushy, Slushy, Slushy! 

It's a Slushy egg world for those who are bringing handfuls of them up to the counter or making an order online. They've been working well for most who are targeting the smaller Central Plateau streams, or even dredging the depths of the Tongariro before sunrise or towards the evening.