Monday 25th of September 2023

Monday 25th of September 2023

Tongariro River Flow: 87.4m3/sec

Weather: On/Off Rain 🌧



The Shrimp of Fortune challenge has ended, few anglers caught a fish on the Shrimp of Fortune fly partially due to the fact it was one of the driest winters we can recall! But Josh was one of the few who got out there and made it happen. Solid work team, and a big thank you to all participants. Josh has won a Sage Sonic 9ft 8wt rod which will no doubt serve him well.


The Central Plateau woke up to another bout of rain which (for the most part) has steadily continued on towards noon, following on from the brief sunny afternoon we enjoyed yesterday. 

As you can see the river flow has reduced since Saturday's downpour, but the present rainfall in the upper catchment indicates it may rise again so stay tuned. If you are currently in town, we can assist you with alternative fishing options.

"Where there is a will, there is a way."

Tim and I are in store today, so come on in and say gidday! 

The online orders of today indicate many of you are planning some epic trips on the lakes and rivers which is great to see! We have good stock of all fly lines to see you through the summer fishery... Don't forget to check out the saltwater lines via our online store Saltwater Fly Lines