Tongariro River Flow: 36.6m3/sec
Weather: Mostly Cloudy
Lately Neil is bonded to his Trout Spey HD like Velcro! And with the olive wooly bugger streamer as his top personal choice the poor old hare & copper is left alone at home. Spey is one helluva pastime.
A fairly stable day weatherwise seeing most holiday makers leave town until the next trip. Good reports from those fishing through the weekend while others found it tough going, the small Chew Ball (soft eggs) in 4mm and 6mm doing well for those loaded with a few in the fly box. We have good stock of these instore and online, you can check them out here by following the link:
Slushy's have been purchased by the handful, so we have placed the second order within the week! So, you can get an idea of how effective they are in the Central Plateau. Should see them topped up in the coming days.
Tony and "Papa Curl" have been fishing mad on the rainbows with the additional brown trout caught by Tony yesterday (as seen in previous report). Curly hooked into what must've been a feisty fish as he looked the worse for wear while posing for the camera 🤭 if you look closely, it appears the fish can relate.