Saturday 14th of January 2023

Saturday 14th of January 2023

Our phone is currently out of working order, please phone 021 063 0491 or send an email to

The jigging gear is going hot on the lake at present and we are trying our best to keep jig rigs stocked up! There's been an increase in spin anglers come into the shop for advice and doing quite well fishing along the shoreline using a Copper Zebra Toby. 

The Aussie Trio: Caleb, Tom and Blake spent some time on the Central Plateau lakes with me and we had ourselves a great time enjoying the sunshine and company. We had many laughs, falls, and missed strikes but it was a time to remember, especially for Blake who caught his PB rainbow trout! Well done mate. 

We have restocked all nets, from McLean Angling and Kilwell. Check them out in store or online by clicking on the photo below