Saturday 8th of April 2023

Saturday 8th of April 2023

Updated information from Genesis Energy re: Tongariro River flow changes

"The repairs currently underway at Poutū Intake have had some unforeseen delays that require an extension. 

 The work, and associated higher flows downstream of Poutū Intake, is now scheduled to be completed on 28 April"

Weather: Mostly Sunny

Tongariro River Flow: 51.2m3/sec

Curly aka Tarn's dad is in town for the weekend and is currently out jigging on the big lake finding good success using white soft plastic smelt which we have in store! 

It's all go-go in the shop today seeing rod combos and winter clothing head out the door with holiday makers enjoying the sunshine. 

We have recently stocked up on Pat Swift globugs and heave/leave patterns in preparation for winter! Plus, his famous hare & copper and epoxy stonefly

patterns which are effective at getting down to the fish. 

Tarn has christened his new Winston 11ft #4 on a recent wander along the Tongariro, bringing this beautiful rainbow to the net on a home tied intruder.