Sunday 18th June 2023

Sunday 18th June 2023

It's a calm and overcast morning in the town of Turangi today. We had a little pitter patter of rain last night but not enough to make any significant change to the Tongariro river flow which is sitting at 29.0m3/sec. 

The fishing in the river has still been patchy for most however, those that are continually on the move looking for fish have certainly found success. AB has been scouting out some old haunts and came across a couple lovely bars of silver that couldn't resist his olive rabbit pattern as it swung through the depths. His trusty Sage R8 Core and Guideline ULS Head were the tools used to get the fly into the zone.

Word on the street is that there's a shortage of rabbit zonker strips in Turangi, I can assure you that is not the case at all! We have almost every colour under the sun available both instore and online. Perfect for tying up those red rabbits and the likes.

There are some fairly dark looking clouds sitting to the north of us but whether they are going to make it down this way remains to be seen. I think most anglers are hanging out for a bit of a spike in the river flow to freshen things up. For now, small natural nymphs and small woolly bugger or rabbit patterns will yield success.
