Tuesday 10th of October 2023

Tuesday 10th of October 2023

Tongariro River Flow: 26.8m3/sec

Weather: Mostly Sunny/Windy

Secure your hats! It's windy out there!

Standing near the lake edge this morning I momentarily expected to get a whiff of salty air as the lake resembled a rough and stormy sea, fortunately no boats out there! 

The mayfly hatches have been phenomenal, and it was the case of right time right place the other evening seeing many duns move down the conveyor belt (the riffles). Mayflies of all sizes were about, Gabe pointed out a larger insect skating across the water and the image of a Sporting Caddis fly flashed in my mind. If you don't know what that means, then you must get amongst the evening/night rise of mayflies and caddis on the Tongariro this spring/summer, it is a highly productive and enjoyable way to fish and farewell the day on a high note. 

Available instore and online: Sporting Caddis