Tongariro River Flow: 21.8m3/sec
Weather: Sunny and a light breeze (finally).

Recently the reports of the fishing locally have been mixed. Some say the fish are there, but they can't catch them. Others say the fish are looking up, and there are plenty of large browns around.
Because the river levels are very low and clear, this means pulling out the lighter gear and finer tippets is getting very necessary. The fish aren't so fussy on what fly, but how you present it. I've been finding the dry dropper method very productive. Because the Cicadas are chirping, I am getting away with larger Cicada and Blow fly patterns, like the C3 Chernobyl (black or grey). Which acts as a far less spooky indicator that has a good chance of being eaten. The nymph I am hanging under the dry fly, is a c3 101, or a smaller hare and copper or pheasant tail variant. But mixing it up and changing flies every so often is a good way to keep the fish excited.
Jigging on the lake has been very popular this summer, with people landing good numbers of decently conditioned fish. We have been selling lots of Pat Swifts jig rigs, and I hear smelt patterns with a bit of yellow are working very well.
Just like the previous report said, Coral Trout and Bengal tiger lures are working very well for the trollers. People are doing quite well fishing these close to the surface.

Please pop in for some more advice on gear, or some ideas about where to go. Don't neglect the back country rivers surrounding the region, as the fishing out those ways has also been excellent.
Good luck out there, we look forward to seeing you all instore. Ideally with some fishy stories.