Tuesday 26th April 2022

Tuesday 26th April 2022

There is a recreation release coming this weekend - 

Anglers may be interested in an upcoming recreational water release that will increase flow rates in sections of the Tongariro River this weekend.
Genesis informed us they will be releasing water into the Tongariro River this weekend - from the Poutu Intake on Saturday 30 April and Rangipo Dam on Sunday 1 May.
The Saturday release will have the most significant impact on anglers, affecting the lower Tongariro for up to six hours from 9am. Flows can be expected to increase from the current 20 cubic meters per second, up to 30 cumecs.
This is the second, of the three recreational release weekends planned for 2022.

Another super busy day for us in the shop today with some fantastic weather to keep people out and about, the Autumn days have been stunning lately. The mornings have been a wee bit crisp but it doesn't take long for the welcome warmth to come along.

There has been more of the same from the fishing front with some really nice fresh Rainbows making their presence felt but for now we still have to sift them from the smaller ones hanging in the rivers. It doesn't matter what method is your favourite as there will be one or two out there to get a bend in the rod. 

The stream mouths are starting to pick up a little now so a session early or late in the day could be worth some time. The Tauranga Taupo is getting pulses of fresh Rainbows but some searching is still required to cross paths with them. Some of those encountered have very beefy so don't skimp on leader material. I have been very happy with the Umpqua Deceiver X fluorocarbon with the 3X 8.5lb a firm favourite. It knots well and is my goto for tippets on tapered leaders or my deep nymph rigs. Check it out here - Click Here - Deceiver X Fluorocarbon.

We always get a kick from the fishy photos that come in from the young anglers out there and the ones we received from Max who has been fishing with his Dad Matt during the school holidays show that this lad a bright piscatorial future ahead......well done that young man.

Jason Bleibtreu has spent some time at the Lake Taupo stream mouths lately and gets his share of chunky fish.
