It's late afternoon and the predicted rain has been pelting down for an hour or so. The Tongariro has a bit of a rise in the graph and is currently 28.6cumec. Wednesday is looking cloudy but drier and could be a cracker of a day provided the river plays the game and doesn't get to high. I haven't had any reports from the smaller streams but there has been a few pods of fish still to found through the Tauranga Taupo.
Great to see a few groups of fly fishers in town to enjoy what has been a longer than normal season. It's far from crowded and with a bit of leg work some quiet water is sure to be found. A few feisty fresh Rainbows are still hanging around the Tongariro and these have been willing to take the usual suspects like and Hare n Coppers and Caddis flys. The ever reliable egg patterns can't be dismissed either. Most fish encountered will be returning fish and will be trying to put on condition as they make their way back to the lake.
Some of the better fish have been taken on the swing with red Rabbit flys being the standout pattern lately. We have a selection of sink tip lines that work well so check them out in store or online
Tarn has been making the most of his rare days off and in between the rain has put time into the Tongariro yesterday and from the photos received this afternoon has taken one of our hire pontoon boats up to Lake Otamangakau. Tarn is a demon on the water so it's no surprise that he scored a nicely marked Brown from the river and a couple of Rainbows from the lake.....I look forward to the full debrief tomorrow :)