Wednesday 23rd of November 2022

Wednesday 23rd of November 2022

Tongariro River Flow: 125.4m3/sec

Weather: Rain

A chocolate brown Tongariro is what you see in the photos taken by Neil an hour ago, caused by the sudden downpour of torrential rain which started yesterday afternoon. The rain came down thick in the midst of a thunderstorm which saw backyards and roads flooded.


The Tauranga-Taupo River is in flood and also resembles a thick chocolate milkshake! Lake Taupo gives the appearance of the west coast as the wind continues to batter away, causing large waves. River mouths or spring creeks would be the picks for today, or alternatively a day indoors stocking up on flies. 

Visit the store or check out our range of fly tying tools and materials


Erich and Keith have spent 10 days fishing the Central Plateau and each had a ball on the rivers and lakes. Before exchanging farewells with the Sporting Life team, they sent through these photos of the fantastic fishing which happened prior to the flood.

Don't fear! Once we get a decent pause from rain, we should see the action return. 

Bre and Josh are just on their way out of Turangi as I type this, they battled the turbulent weather and fished with the spey gear each getting good results.