Today's fishing reports have been very promising with many anglers finding plenty of good-sized fish. However, as often the case with low and clear conditions, covering a bit of water and finding where they're holding is pretty important. Indicator nymphing and long casts seem to be doing really well through the upper river at present with fish seeming to be more inclined to take nymphs then chasing a wet fly.
I recently caught up with the Tongariro Roll Cast master Herb Spannagl. He continues to spend his time innovating and perfecting some of the most effective casts on the Tongariro. His latest project is the "Tongariro Line Hanger", a tool used to manage trailing line especially for a cast like the TRC where it helps having a hand free to haul on the cast. His current design has a velcro backing to stick to a vest and is proving quite successful. For anyone wanting to get into learning the Tongariro Roll Cast there are lots of videos online and a fly line like our RIO Elite Indicator is specifically designed for this sort of cast.
A reminder to be a tidy kiwi out there on the river and take all your scrap line and flies home with you!! If you ever spot any rubbish out on the river just pick it up, the fishing gods will reward you :)