Sunday 2nd February 2025
Weather: Sunny and no to low wind! Highs of 24°C with a breeze of 9 km/h. Tongariro River Flow: 21.4 cumecs (m³/s) Very low and clear! The cicadas are singing their hearts out along the river banks and ringing in...
Weather: Sunny and no to low wind! Highs of 24°C with a breeze of 9 km/h. Tongariro River Flow: 21.4 cumecs (m³/s) Very low and clear! The cicadas are singing their hearts out along the river banks and ringing in...
Tongariro River Flow: 27.2m3/sec Weather: Overcast ⛅ The fishing has seemed to have picked up over the weekend with lots of great reports of good fishing for most anglers making their way into the shop. Wet lining, nymphing and dry...
Weather: Sunny and reaching 19C with expected warm weather to continue through the week. Tongariro River Flow: 29.8 cumecs (m³/s) This spell of sunshine will be warming the waters and increasing insect activity, especially for the evening rises which is what we...
Weather: Raining with heavy rain due from this afternoon into the night. Tongariro River Flow: 38.1 cumecs (m3/sec) (fluctuations expected with rain on and off) It's certainly an exciting time to be in the Central Plateau!! Our still water - Lake Rotoaira...
Weather: Cloudy with rain forecast from tonight onwards for the rest of the week. Tongariro River Flow: 29.3 cumecs (m3/sec) The local rivers are still fishing excellently with reports of plenty of prime conditioned silver hens being landed following the spike...
Weather: Overcast & raining at last! Tongariro River Flow: 26.4 cumecs (m³/s) Some great reports coming in today as we write this from anglers landing good numbers of fabulous conditioned fish both yesterday afternoon and early this morning. The lower light...