Sporting Life Fishing Report

Wednesday 20th of July 2022

🌧 Grey Sky Over Turangi 🌧 It's a mild overcast day with periodical showers of rain - appropriate for the fans of winter fishing. The Tongariro is looking fantastic with a flow of 33.2 m3/sec, so if you are about today...

 Theresa Beilby

Saturday 16th of July 2022

 Central North Is. Sunshine  It's a beautiful sunny day here without wind or a cloud in the sky, there was a good dose of ice on the windscreen this morning so it would've been a mighty cold start for those...

 Theresa Beilby

Thursday 14th July 2022

Unfortunately some bad news, there has been a significant slip up at the top of the Tongariro just below the Poutu dam so please be aware that the river is about to colour up significantly and there may be some...

 Andrew Burden

Tuesday the 12th of July 2022

Theres a good bit of flow rolling down the Tongariro right now, 200 cumecs plus and still on the rise, the peak of flow will depend on how long this rain carries on for but the ongoing forecast predicts a...

 Shop Staff